Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A refined understanding or appreciation of culture.

The detail that is not yet settled or explained is a loose end. As such it could precipitate a sense of unrest if not understood. The game of a state is to give the things, called people, a sense of being together in the self interest of self preservation. Common sense is the result of restructuring thought in a subconscious manner making it ultimately to good sense. Since, a culture deals with the problems of external survival and internal integration, it lies in the interest of a culture to implement goodness with tales and poems, with dances and songs that make sense. Every individual  is a loose end in a community, but in a community of scholars and a republic of learning each loose end should be tied or connected to another to contribute to the wholesomeness of the Sikhsth fields; to the best of one's abilities. 

When Goodness comes with the beneficial and nourishing element 
of food. Eating more dietary fibre is one of the best things you can 
do for your health.
Celebrate the winter solstice with my Old Nordic Wheel Porridge 
- with fruit yogurt, as the days get brighter.
ULHC - PHERO - KSP recipe.
And share it with someone.
For 2 servings
- Fibre rich oatmeal 2 dl
- Water 4.5 dl
- Salt 5 pinches 
Mix oatmeal, water and salt in a saucepan.
Boil water and cook on low heat for about 3 minutes with stirring.  
Serve porridge with papaya yogurt (Optional fresh fruit and nuts).

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I know, no matter how I express myself or in any other way; whatever I do, say or write can or will be used against me, unless You would want to be with Me.