Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The world is as it is and there is a world as we all would want it be.

The world is as it is and there is a world as we all would want it be. It should not matter but it does. When some people have spent a life time to make a home but in the end must leave it for that is the way it is meant to be. It was never their home. Or perhaps, it was never meant to be their home. Because they must not put down firm roots like the plants that begin to grow and draw nourishment from the soil through their roots. There is a fear that they might take control of the land. Because they are seen as a threat to those that adhere to a religion of the majority always keeping a watch over every incoming minority. And therefore the eternal crusade against the infidel foe and heretics and never to let them grow. 

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I know, no matter how I express myself or in any other way; whatever I do, say or write can or will be used against me, unless You would want to be with Me.