Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Acculturation is "the adoption and assimilation of an alien culture" and where "truth" cognates to "sin" or crime, truth is a threat to a doctrine that cannot stand transparency. Truth meaning accuracy and correctness grapples with falsehood where truth is put in the worse in an open and free encounter and tried as in a court of law. A catch word popularized in this sense attests "truthfullness" as an "act or quality of preferring concepts or facts one wishes to be true, rather than those known to be true". Perhaps referring to the lips (in a desire of secrecy) or the tongue (in matters of taste) or to the eyes (that reveal nakedness) or to the ears (for sounds of whispers) or to the nose (a scent of breath) or to the skin (for sensual appeal). All prosaic and unimaginative as a matter of fact - for "that portion of an inquiry concerned with the truth or falsehood of alleged facts," opposed to matter of law. To get a step or two further on the path of truth, which at present seems unlikely because the Gentleman is always truthful and sincere and the Lady coquette and flirtious, will not agree for the sake of complaisance or out of weakness, will not pass over that of which he or she disapproves. He has a clear mind, and a fearless, straightforward tongue. On the other hand she is not blunt and she is not rude. His truth is courteous; her courtesy, truthful. Never a humbug, is anyone of them. Yet, where he truthfully can, she prefers to say pleasant things.
We have no religion. We are ethnic heathens.
A Dainty Dish to set before the Ethnic Heathens


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I know, no matter how I express myself or in any other way; whatever I do, say or write can or will be used against me, unless You would want to be with Me.